Your child's first visit is our first opportunity to show your child that dentistry can be fun and exciting. We aim at making your child as relaxed as possible while demonstrating how to care for his/her teeth.
The first visit is to gather information about your child (medical history, oral hygiene routine, diet) to determine his/her risk for developing cavities. If your child is at ease we may also introduce your child to dental cleanings, examine your child’s teeth, and take xrays only when necessary.
We will discuss your child’s oral hygiene, diet, fluoride exposure, injury prevention, oral habits (thumb-sucking, pacifier, etc.), and dental development. If we detect cavities, we will discuss a treatment plan to both treat and prevent future cavities forming. If we see a need, then information regarding dental sealants, missing teeth and orthodontic screening will be provided.
Be sure to talk about the first visit in a very optimistic manner. Try not to use any words with a negative connotation and instead try to use words that children understand to be happy and positive. Avoid talking about subjects that can be very scary such as needles or “poking of gums or yanking out teeth”. Concentrate on the positive and your child will be much more excited and less troubled about visiting the dentist.